Saturday, October 5, 2013

Common Core Character Traits!

This is a wonderful activity.  My students absolutely loved it!  It really helps enhance the students vocabulary and moves them away from the typical happy, sad, brave character traits that they use in their writing.  The activity is designed for upper elementary students because of the level of vocabulary used.

This activity gives a matching activity where students have to match the character trait with its definition.

After the matching activity there is also a character trait game where each student is given a blank "Monster" playing card.  Each player picks a game card when it is their turn and fills in the blank with the missing character trait.  If they get it correct they color in the letter that is on the card on their Monster Playing Card. If the letter has already been colored in they can skip another players turn.  The player who colors in the card first wins!

My students LOVE playing this game!  They love being able to skip their friends turn and they really put a lot of effort in to get the answers correct!

Check out this game on my teacherspayteachers store by clicking Character Trait Monsters

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